In recent years, many doctor's supplements and cosmetics based on clinical studies by medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies have appeared on the Japanese market. Out of this range of products, Excellent Medical Co., Ltd offers its customers products that have been handpicked by Dr. Hashimoto Shintaro after making sure they are safe and definitely proven effective. For this purpose, whenever not engaged in his everyday practice Dr. Hashimoto works in close cooperation with university hospitals, research institutions and pharmaceutical companies. He is supported by many Internet users as well as the patients in his clinic for his cutting edge medical technology and full patient support
As you might know, a number of so-called doctor’s supplements are being developed for the Japanese market in clinical studies conducted by pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions. The doctors here at Excellent Medical pick the very best of these supplements by making sure they are safe and that evidence of their effectiveness is reliable. These supplements give our customers not only access to the leading edge of medical technology provided in cooperation by university hospitals, research institutions and pharmaceutical companies, but with our company also come with full doctor endorsement.
In addition to the patients of our clinic, our online customers around Japan attest to the high quality of our products.
Excellent Medical offers customers around the world only the most carefully chosen, safe and high-quality doctor supplements manufactured in Japan.